PLAM Creative Studio


Plam is a multidisciplinary design studio where research and observation are the key to innovation. The studio aims to develop project with a strong social involvement to make people more aware on new\different contemporary needs. Our best design "tool" is the co-creation integrated with a constant interdisciplinary dialogue, from Product and Exhibition Design to Visual Design and Photography. The studio core-activity is to develop effective and side specific output, focusing on people and environment. That's why we invest time and resources in the development of experimental projects to be always updated and sensitive to the realities that surround us.



Exhibition Design deals with set-ups and installations involving places, spaces and architectures. A dialogue between different disciplines to design the visitor experience with the aim of communicating a concept. We develop curatorial projects, “narrative paths” that start from the concept and get to the exhibit systems and infographics design.

Product Design deals with the creation of products: from everyday objects to parts for industry. The goal is to improve functionality, ergonomics and aesthetics by optimizing production. We develop the idea or concept that lays the foundations of the project. A good concept is what gives solidity to the final output. We create 3D models of the product and take care of the prototyping, making an idea tangible.

Visual Design deals with graphic and multimedia works. The goal is to “spread” a message or an information using visual arts. Images are a universal language; adequate communication is essential to be understood. We design graphics that can convey sensations, emotions and values working in between print and digital world.

Photography is a means of expression. We design every single shot taking care of set, scenography and post-production to make the finished image always recognizable. We work with corporate, still life and outdoor photography, focusing on documentary and informative photographic projects.