PLAM Creative Studio

Dimenticati d’autore



Dimenticati d'autore

Dimenticati d'autore is a photographic project shot between the mountains of Piancavallo and Gran Sasso (Italy) which investigates the binomial tradition-architecture. Architectural language, ideas, habits and techniques, like any other aspect of human activity, originate in the transmission and assimilation of previous experiences. The term tradition, from the Latin "traditio", means to deliver something to others. During the 1900s it became a key element of the architectural debate, particularly in the Alpine area. Tradition is seen as an essential factor of historical continuity, the perpetuation of forms, techniques, customs and traditions; but tradition is also an active force in constant evolution. The evolution of architectural language is the dialectical result of the constant clash between tradition and innovation. Observation of the natural is reflected in the technique of the past, remains in the present and is reflected in the future.