PLAM Creative Studio

Festa Dell’Aria




Festa Dell'Aria

On the occasion of the "Festa dell'Aria 2022" we collaborated with Air-Break Ferrara to create the visual identity of the festival. The "festa" is a moment of discussion on the city's air quality. Three days of conferences, workshops and events to analyze the data collected during the year and co-design, together with citizens, new practices and ideas for better air quality in the city.

In 2022 the identity design was based on the concept of wind: lightness and impalpability, fundamental characteristics of clean and healthy air. 

The graphics evolve in the 2023 edition. The nuances of the previous year come together transmitting a sensation of expansion and lightness. Like a glimpse of sky between the clouds that the strenght of the wind pushed away.
L’identità rimane creando un filo conduttore tra le diverse edizioni.


AirBreak Comune Di Ferrara Comune di FerraraCOMUNEDI FERRARA

Festa Dell'Aria 2022

According to the festival tematic, we chose the four main winds that blow over Ferrara as a concept for the visual identity and communication. We assigned them four different shades representing their characteristics and attitudes. The use of popular phrases in Ferrara dialect on promotional flyers and posters aroused the curiosity and involvement of citizens. While the postcards, used during the activities, are nicely transformable into small planes ready to let the participants' ideas take off.